
Sunday 30 May 2021

Ruined Buildings Update

Last month I believe it was I posted a single ruined building I had created from larger building. This month I present the other two sections of the original build all reworked.

I have used my usual combination of PVAcrete, matchsticks and tapers to create all the details.

They will be painted in the next few weeks and be ready for play.

What I really like about these are the many different ways they can be set up for play.

I can see myself making some more in the future.

I need to think about the bases a little more, less square.

Individual shots.

Different groupings.

Looking forward to making another three to create a large set.


Thursday 20 May 2021

Geek Gaming: Custom Boards

These are some shots from about a year and a half  ago that I thought I had lost. Project shots for Geek Gaming created for a third party.

These were taken prior to the resin pour that finished the work.

Work in progress shots.

Wayne and Luke using washes to create the rock textures.

Wayne having spent time completing the the rock formations, looks on proudly, a smashing piece of work.

The basic construction work which is where I was more involved on this project.
Geek Gaming modelling compound over poly shapes.


Monday 10 May 2021

Oathmark: 15mm Flat Humans

A few months ago I started to make some 15mm flat humans to play Oathmark with and initially I mounted them on square 12 mm bases and used movement trays to ......move them!!?

As you can imagine 15 mm card models are very lite and kept falling all over. A re-think was needed. I decided to grab myself some magnetic sheet from Ebay and mounted it on display card, a quick wash of an appropriate green and they were done.

The figures I mounted onto 12mm washers, again from Ebay, and the two items worked very well together.

Basically I'm far happier with how these turned out and as a result has begun drawing the Skeleton adversaries,

Removing fatalities is easy and storage is much easier as the troops stay in place.
I could also cut some 15mm bases for Kings of War and use the same figures for another game entirely, an idea I really like.

It then occured that I might be able to create a travel set for D&D or for games like Frostgrave.
So you may see these in the future.

I need to create some cavalry models in the end and some character models. 

I have also been drawing some cottage designs, you may have spotted one in this post (oh know Darryl what do you mean) but I'm not sure they are what I want to do, so will have to see.

Next time an update on the ruined buildings I've been making.