
Tuesday 30 September 2014

INQ28 Boards Concept

Been working for a while now and thinking a lot about making a set of boards for INQ28/Necromunda  and I have finally decided, I think, how I am going to approach creating the 3D sections.

I am going to be using the Deadzone folding table I created months ago now as a base to lay walls and doorways rather than actual boards.

I had a bit of an epiphany the other day, I had been thinking about making separate boards to play on, I had umed and erred for quite a while. So the epiphany was realising that I already ahd a board, one I had spent quite a lot of time creating. So my doors and walls will sit on this gaming board. I think it will work, but need to experiment until I am certain.

Here are the doors and sample walls I have made so far. They are all made from foam board with card, wood and wire added to them to give them a more sci-fi feel.

Monday 29 September 2014

Lion Chariots

I completed the last two Lion Chariots on Sunday, took a lot longer than I expected. I had built these quite a while ago and had painted them very roughly so that I could use them in games, but had never finished them. I had not even done the elf flesh on them, nor any other details.

I had some chariot parts left over from kit I had bought a while back. Then I decided I would try to make the 4 lions needed to create the chariots. At the time I really fancied a white lion themed army, but never really managed to get it off the ground.

I still have a lot to do with the High Elves, but for the time, I'm done with painting, apart from 2 mages. The next big project for them is the creation of White Lions, Phoenix Guard and Lothern Sea Guard from very old plastic spearmen and bowmen from the 1990's. Lots of green stuff, head and arm removals, fun!

Sunday 28 September 2014

Tree Bases

For a long time now I have had my trees and they have stood on hardboard bases, covered in sand and painted a basic green. Well yesterday that all changed and I finally completed them with broken steps and grass areas.

I'm far more happy with these now, they work well as terrain but look so much better.

I only have 4 bases of trees as I can never see me needing any more.

Nude, as it were.

With trees.

Saturday 27 September 2014

Faroth's Tools

Today I made some playing pieces that I hope will help to both play my character Faroth and bring the adventure reports to life a bit more.

They consist of a lightning strike marker, some heal markers and a confuse marker. I realised that the last adventure we had left some of the spells he cast "forgotten to the shifting mists of time"... or "my head" as it is more commonly known.

  I don't actually play with all his cards set up like this, it is a bit cramped, but it gives you an idea. I really like having bits and pieces of kit that make the game play more fun and easier to understand or remember.

These tokens are made from a bit of old doweling I picked up from a do-it-yourself shop, chopped it up and gave the bits a lick of paint.

He can use the template thick or thin end first, depending on the other models that may get in the way.

I also have some nice blue beads to represent his Magic store during the game.

Now that I have made these just you watch how quickly he dies!!!

Friday 26 September 2014

High Elf Griffon

As I have been trying to get all my High Elf models complete it seemed only right that I should have a go at the Griffon that Mick gave me several years ago now.

To be honest It hasn't taken me that long, but then its painted to my usual "game play" standard. I have tried to use quite a restricted pallet, as I do with all my models. I have never been one for a wide variety of colours, I think it makes the miniature too fussy. But that's just me, and what do I know!

Seems odd to me that I have been putting off painting this model for such a long time, now its done it seems daft, but there you go.

Thursday 25 September 2014

Big High Elf Lion thingy

A very long time ago now I built from bits and pieces and a cheap plastic lion, a gigantic High character mount.

I intend either using this as a unit filler, as 4 Silver Helms or Dragon Princes, or as a character in a chariot or as .... well I don't really know to be honest. I just wanted to have a go at making it.

So here it is, not brilliant but I think that when it is on the battle field it'll look ok. I certainly enjoyed making it and now I'm really glad that I have painted it. It's the sort of model that could                                              have gone unfinished for years.