
Sunday 30 April 2017

Frostgrave: Ice Field Terrain

You  may remember seeing these some while back. They were made from a packing box and had artex worked over the top.

Well I was not very happy with how they came out. I liked them at the end of the building stage but not after I had painted them.

Then I bought the Pworks gaming mat and the colours and details in that influenced me to repaint the pieces of terrain I had made.

Now I'm thinking of making another couple of these large area and and load of some smaller ones, to lead up to the larger ones.

Saturday 29 April 2017

Saga: Vikings Update

Trundling along in the background, I like a good "trundle", has been the Vikings that I hadn't completed when I last played against Ian at WWarriors GC. 

In the last few days I have been trying to get the all warriors units completed and the berserkers and my warlord miniature, the whole lot really. I'm getting there slowly.

This is the first of the warrior units completed. Although I felt that as these all had swords I could use them as Hearthguard alternately.

Funny how things go, you'd have thought that as time went on I would have got better at doing the crows, but no, it seemed to me that I actually got sloppier, look at the far right fella at the front!

These are all Gripping Beast plastic miniatures, I have been very impressed with them.

Friday 28 April 2017

Walking Dead: Liam and Jim

Another pair of Walking Dead Survivors finished last night. These are Liam and Jim.

Lots of basic bright colours with highlights and drybrushing to bring the miniature to life, finished off with a light wash to give a bit of a grimy feeling.

I will be shortly in a position where I can start thinking about playing some games with Serefina. Think we will play together using the solo rules. I would be too scared to play alone!!!

Thursday 27 April 2017

Frostgrave: Ice Crystal Terrain

I have been making these off and on for some time now. Sometimes I get part way through making something and can't see where to go next with it. Now there may have been a time, many years ago, when I might have thrown what I had made away in a fit of pique, well not anymore.

These have been sat in a box, all cut and half put together because I could not see how I was going to paint them so they worked with my other terrain and my Pworks wargame mat.

I finally feel that I have solved that problem.

Wednesday 26 April 2017

Necromunda: Lakes 7 Bounty Hunters

Here is my latest Necromunda Gang, put together with a view to playing a bit more down at WWarriors GC, so far two games played. 1 win, 1 loss so far.

Dan Lake, leader. Centre
Hugo, specialist. Right
Flynn, guilder liason. Left

Bounty Hunters: Dolce, Grohe, Massala, Gabbanna.

Mercenaries: Herb, Tang, Chut.

The whole gang on the clubs new terrain.

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Five Parsecs-Necromunda: Containers

I made these as part of the terrain set I will expand on for the club, the Wakefield Warriors GC, but hit a bit of a cat shaped snag. Originally I made 10 of these containers but during the night, Paddy, our oldest cat, decided they needed urinating all over. Managed to save these 4 but since they are card and wood based the rest went in the bin (only right).

Thought I would make a variety of shapes and sizes of these containers, basing them on any off-cuts of timber I have knocking about the house. One thing I'm not sure about is whether I should clump them together on a base or leave them as individuals for greater flexibility? Perhaps the answer is a bit of both.

Monday 24 April 2017

Walking Dead: Derek and Dale

A couple more miniatures from Mantic's Walking Dead All out War game. These are from Days Gone Bye, which is the set that allows you to create your own group of survivors and develop them over time. Not looked at the rules much yet.

Its nice to think I am finally getting through them all, I often think the idea of starting is worse than the actual doing: bit like doing the washing up

Anyway here we go. Here is Derek and Dale

Derek above.

Dale, shading his eyes from the flash.

"It's over there!"
"I'm sorry, where?"