
Friday 30 June 2017

MUMG: Heroclix, out of Control?

The horror's of Ebay this post should be called! Managed to purchase 98 Marvel Heroclix the other day, didn't expect to win so was rather surprised when I found out I had. There are some repititions but only a few and lots of baddies which I was pleased about.

With the exception of a few specific characters I think I have all I need now, so this should be the lot for a long time. Cost me £25 for the lot.

I was intrigued by the very large Awsome Andy model with the brick head.... turns out he's an android who fought the Avengers on occassion- never heard of him, but he is fun. Used him in a game of Herocide last night :-)

There are some very dodgy looking miniatures and some like Spiderman on the lamp post that is never going to be painted, but there are loads here that will.

Some, like Dum Dum and Nick here, will never get used as they seem to have been sculpted in a different scale to all the rest!

Some like Venom and the Rhino below I can't wait to re-base and re-paint.

The only characters I can thnk of that I would like are, Luke Cage and Beast so I will be on look out for them.

Thursday 29 June 2017

KOW: Beers of War, Practise Games

Some pictures of some of the many games of KOW I have played in the last week in an attempt, forlorn obviously, to become even vaguely match tight for the Beers tournament the week after next.

Herd V Orcs

Managed to use the Hunters to great effect and enabled me to get some double charges in.

As a result I won this first game against Mick.

Herd V Orcs 2

Similar set up to first game, different scenario.

Got rid of the Gore Riders and then routed the Morax. Second win of the night.

Herd V Abyssal Dwarves

Second game of the night against Steve at the club. First went my way, so Steve swopped some units about and we had at it again.

Nerve check of snake eyes did not help, especially after scoring well over their wounds.

Although the Horde of Abyssal dwarves were routed the end was in sight.

Routed to a beast, a palpable loss :-)

Quite pleased with how these have all gone really. Three wins and a narrow loss is not bad going, lots of fun was had and I do feel I know the army some what better now. (Must not forget the massive defeats of last week, two in a row!!!!)

The small units of Hunters are crucial in setting up the charge with the Brutes, who do all the damage. 

I do realise there is a good chance that I may well struggle against flying troops. but what can you do
Will try to take some pictures of the games at the tournament if I get a chance.

Wednesday 28 June 2017

MUMG: Jean Grey and Nightcrawler

The latest two Marvel miniatures, X Heroclix models, to be painted, looks like the bases need another coat of black fom the pictures.

Jean I had to repaint from scratch, so took a little while.

On the other hand Nightcrawler actually had a drybrush of grey all over and eyes dotted in white and that was that. Very quick.

I really like the Nightcrawler miniature, just goes to show how good some of the Heroclix sculpts can be.

Tuesday 27 June 2017

KOW: Beers, Second Draft, Herd 1000

Final posting of the actual 1000 pt force I will be taking to the Beers of War Tournament on the 8th July. I will be playing with my friend Mick and his Orcs.

Horde of Guardian Brutes, Minotaurs to you and me, these are Elite.

Another Horde of Guardian Brutes, nothing added.

Last Horde of Guardian Brutes, playing the Pipes of Doom.

Troops of Hunters with bows.

The overall general of the whole Herd/Orc combo. Shaman with Heal spell.

Thought I would include the pictures of the last units to recieve attention before the tournament.

I re-used the old bases to make the new ones.

I was given this large weapon which I turned into a standard.

Monday 26 June 2017

Ghost Archipelago: Pirate Ships Part 2, Me Hearties

Some shots of the 2 pirate ships I have been constructing for Ghost Archipelago when it comes out later in the year.

Been adding loads of details and trying to make both the vessels look different from each other.

The details were added, as you can probably see, using matchsticks, coffee stirers and cocktail sticks.
There are also quite a few lolly sticks in there too

Light fitment for stern of ship.

Shots of both the vessels together.

So what do you do about the unsightly corrugated bits of card showing? Use PVAcrete of course, a bit thinner than usual so it works into the gaps, 

Looks much better than the other above.

This is where I am with both of them now, still a load of details to add to the prow of each model and more details on the right hand model in general.

Finally it will be the masts that need adding, thought I was going to use old pencils but turns out I don't have any. So had to go and buy some dowel, cost me £2.25 from Wickes, it is the only thing I have had to purchase for this build, so still quite happy.