
Monday 26 November 2018

D&D 5e: CottageWindows

I must apologise as this post has been a very long time in arriving, since being ill I have found it very difficult to get motivated. That aside, these are the windows to go with the cottage, semi plan views I made a while back, I have included a few of the doors as well to show the build up of furniture as it were.

I still have not had the chance to use these in a game, as it has just not been appropriate. When I do I will post a few in use photos.

I made three types of windows, circular, square and lancet, four of each, so I don't have to mix the types often.

 In development are some other bits of furniture to give the cottages some more detail, they are on the way, will probably try to start a more productive December with those.

This whole process has been made that bit more complicated by Millie, the youngest of our cats, sat on everything I wanted to picture.
Little love.

Monday 19 November 2018

D&D 5e: Cottage Doors

Went way over the top making a set of doors to go with the cottage walls/rooms I have been creating.
Taking me ages to make anything at moment, still convalescing after spell of pneumonia, could be a while before I am well, but have absolutely no drive to paint of make anything particularly.

However I did manage to paint all these little devils over a few days, I realised I had made far too many, but its better than not having enough.

Mostly single doors and just the one double.

Obviously these are very much inspired by DM Scotty and his fabulous Tilescapes.

I am getting on with the windows very gradually, but they will be posted in the end :-) 

Wednesday 14 November 2018

D&D 5e: Covered in Gnolls!

(Oh and an Owl bear, that was a Gnoll druid in animal form!)

Our Monday nights game of D&D saw Harrid, Subaru, Atrogoth, Klaus and Ortis camping among ruins surrounded by a blizzard. Triggering an ambush by a warband od Gnolls.

Astrogoth and Ortis (my character) took on the Owl bear and eventually cut him down, judicious use of fighter maneuvers kept Ortis in the game while the Owl bear managed to waste several of his attacks. So the gnome took out the Owl bear!

You may have recognised the terrain pieces, I made them for playing Frostgrave about a year ago- no I never throw anything away :-)

The rest of the party took on all the other Gnolls and slaughtered the lot after several turns.

Harrid removed the fleeing Gnoll with his hand axe, keeping our presence secret for now.

Must say thanks to Lee for DM ing and the other members of the party for making the evening so much fun. Cheers Luke, Steve, Marcus and Ryan, a thrilling night was had by all :-)

Saturday 10 November 2018

D&D 5e: Cottage Update Two

Haven't had much of a chance to do a lot of modelling recently, pneumonia does that to you, but I have managed to complete the modelling and painting of the basic tiles to create cottages. Just took a long, long time.

Basic ground floor with 2 rooms and stairs going up.

Together they all make a 4 storey townhouse with many bedrooms and with a attic room, although the same tile could be used as basement room.

With these tiles I will be able to make any type of cottage, from a basic single storey hovel to a 4 storey townhouse, Also I should be able to make taverns and larger buildings for more well to do folk.

With the addition of another 3 tiles I made for just this purpose the basic cottage can be made much larger, so that mansions and large houses can be created.

All three extra tiles added to the basic ground floor. On the three extending tiles there is one wall missing so that double thickness walls are avoided.

What I won't be using these for are places like palaces and temples, for those I will use all the tiles I made years ago for Quest, here. Not the best photographs as my camera was not the best back then, sorry.

Extending second and subsequent floors.

Details of the steps. Next post I should be in a position to show how I built the doors and windows.

Lastly I would like to thank all the folks who have been visiting my site despite not having posted for several weeks, its really appreciated :-)