Monday, 10 May 2021

Oathmark: 15mm Flat Humans

A few months ago I started to make some 15mm flat humans to play Oathmark with and initially I mounted them on square 12 mm bases and used movement trays to ......move them!!?

As you can imagine 15 mm card models are very lite and kept falling all over. A re-think was needed. I decided to grab myself some magnetic sheet from Ebay and mounted it on display card, a quick wash of an appropriate green and they were done.

The figures I mounted onto 12mm washers, again from Ebay, and the two items worked very well together.

Basically I'm far happier with how these turned out and as a result has begun drawing the Skeleton adversaries,

Removing fatalities is easy and storage is much easier as the troops stay in place.
I could also cut some 15mm bases for Kings of War and use the same figures for another game entirely, an idea I really like.

It then occured that I might be able to create a travel set for D&D or for games like Frostgrave.
So you may see these in the future.

I need to create some cavalry models in the end and some character models. 

I have also been drawing some cottage designs, you may have spotted one in this post (oh know Darryl what do you mean) but I'm not sure they are what I want to do, so will have to see.

Next time an update on the ruined buildings I've been making.