Thursday, 16 September 2021

Flats: Lower level Undead.....but not Skeletons


Not posted for quite a while now, longest gap in the blogs history, but I have been doing stuff.

Mainly drawing flats at the moment. We have a weeks holiday coming up and we often play a game while away. Six weeks ago I had the idea of creating a board game similar to Zombicide, but with a range of Undead, which we could take with us to play.

These are the flats I drew to play with, not very keen on the spider, all the rest will do the job.

The backside of the undead horrors.

Water coloured rendering, this is over a photocopy....I never colour the original, just in case...

Will show you what I did with these next post.


  1. These are awesome! I rather like the spider, myself. On the "chunky" side or maybe just well fed. :)

    1. Ha, yes too many halflings I think
      Thanks BaldingNinja

  2. Haus kaufen Sögel Really nice style and design and excellent content , nothing at all else we need : D.

    1. Thank you very much Kharizaffar, sorry it took so long to get back to you
