Tuesday, 11 October 2022

High Elf Remodel: 3 mm


After making the Orcs and feeling flush with success, however false it may have been, I decided to make a 600 point High Elf force.

A regiment of spears top right, a regiment of Palace guard, top left,
two troops of archers and an elf Lord on foot,

Constructed in s very similar way to the orcs but with minor alterations and major colour changes.

Again I was pleased with how they came out, they looked quite Elfy... 

My next project will be 600 points of Dwarfs, and a how too guide to making your own 3mm miniatures,

Thanks for dropping by.


  1. looking forward to that guide, they look excellent!

  2. These look quite amazing! That 'How To' guide sounds very interesting!!

  3. I love the way you painted them - they look very elegant.
