While I was away, I am now home, I built this 2/3 mm army having been inspired to do so by various You tube Vloggers. I had limited resources and space, hence the small nature of the army.
I ended up with:
Krudger on a winged Slasher
Godspeakers x2
Wardrums x2
Regiment of Morax x2
Horde of Ax
Regiment of Greatax x 2
Regiment of Gore Riders x2
Troop of Outriders x2
Horde of Trolls x2
Horde of Gore Chariots
For a grand total of 2975 points
They are OK, I could play with them and did several times while away.
However when I had been home a while and looked at them I decided I could do better.
So that is what I intend to do, although first I will post some pictures of the Elves I created to play against.
They were a good way to test what was possible and led to further experimentation.
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