Thursday, 25 February 2016

KOW: Earth Elementals/Bears

Been thinking recently how I can use chaff units in my Dwarf army and decided that perhaps elementals maybe worth a try. They are quite expensive, but they also hit pretty hard and don't waver, they just die. 

I was thinking that 2 regiments of 3 would give me something to play with. I have 4 bears already built so I only needed another 2. (See how this worked out in my latest battle report against the Goblins, previous post, for the answer.)

These Earth Elementals were made from GW wolves with extensions to their rear hips and spine, made from sprue, then filled with GS.

First time I've shot bear elementals in front of a Breville Monkey Baster. ( Or toaster as its more commonly known.)

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