Tuesday, 15 November 2016

KOW: Beers of War 750 points, so far...

Here is my Goblin 750 point force that I think I will be using in the Beers of War Tournament coming up in Feb next year, I hope to get some games in with them to see how well they play.

2 Hordes of Trolls
Regiment of Fleabag Riders
2 Mawbeast Packs
A Flaggit with the War-bow of Kaba
Wiz with Bane chant

My Mawbeasts are old Squigs either from GW or ones that I made myself from marbles covered in milliput. I think that upon closer inspection which are which would be abundantly obvious :-)
Well I wasn't going to pay £80 for a couple of dozen models when I had marbles just lying about was I?

Still have a lot of the bases to complete as well as one horde of trolls which need further work.

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