Saturday, 10 September 2016

Purchased Terrain: Infinity Miniatures- NAVAJO OUTPOST PACK CARD SCENARY

Well as you know I don't ordinarily buy terrain but I needed a bit of inspiration and when I saw this set on Ebay for £6.70 including P&P well it had to be bought.

They are very flimsy but with some card added they might be stronger, but to be honest I really only bought them to see what they were like.

The paper base is, paper, but is a smashing design and it could well be what I need to make in card on a hard base to play on.

The markings and lettering on the buildings give me ideas for my own models and I will look at doing something similar, but not the same.

The crates are interesting but very plain, although they have made me think how I might make them more robust, corner pieces and added details. 

But as a set they are nicely designed with many nice featuresand work together well, they would just not last more than an evening at the club. So I will work on them when I get a chance and see what happens.

Buildings and crates.

So it could be really useful if I can add detail and make more robust, despite my dislike of bought terrain I will have a go at this set, its cheapness appeals to me :-)

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