Tuesday, 17 January 2017

KOW: 1500 pt Games Prep for Beers of War

First game of the evening, Luke and Lee team up, 750 pts of Abyssals and 750 pts of Goblins. Over at the Wakefield Warriors Game club.

Against Myself and Steve, 750 pts of Goblins and 750 pts of Abyssal Dwarfs.

Some of the pictures are not the best as still gettig used to my phone camera, its all I had on me. But I think in the end they will get there.

Poor Steve got mugged by Luke over on the right flank.

Over on the left, cat and mouse games left me and Lee on an even handed hiding to nothing.

The second game of the evening.

Goblin versus Abyssal team up. This one went far worse for the Goblins.

Highlights were the Fleabag riders causing more wounds than the Gargoyles actually had then throwing a nerve roll of double one, insane courage!!! That came back to haunt us.

Second big boob of the evening was when my Trolls did 16 wounds to Steve's Abyssal Grotesques and what did I roll for their nerve check.....
Yep double one, insane courage again, this one really hurt.

In the end we were soundly beaten but had a good laugh.

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