Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Small Scatter Pieces

These are a mixture of pieces, the mat and the tree in the background are fairly new and so are the 2 bamboo grove pieces, all the smaller terrain"Blobs" were made a while ago, perhaps 2 or 3 years ago. However I recently added a load of tufts to them that I had spare after making a load for Luke's APS. 

The mat is an experiment, made from a sleeping mat bought cheaply from Asda, I think, it has a texture which isn't great but it works OK.

Not keen on these huge round stone/rocks, really OK in rivers but not on these.

The added tufts made a huge different to these "Blobs" so I was pleased how they came out.

The bamboo grove was a bit of fun to be honest, I used real bamboo, skewers and sticks meant for the garden, then more tufts added to suggest the leaves.

More trees coming up soon when my sinusitis has finally gone, can't work with a dripping nose and a thumping headache.


  1. Simple and effective! I love little side projects like this to spruce up a table. ;)

    1. Cheers airborne I like making things that can be stored easily :-)

  2. I'm curious about the mat... did you take any 'before' pictures?

    1. No, sorry, but I am going to make a couple of 2" square mats from the same material, will take some "in progress" shots.

  3. This visually impressive. Looks like you stencilled the mat?

    1. Sort of, a bit lower tech than that, I made a 9 square stamp and printed it on.
