Sunday, 3 March 2019

Cottage Revamp Two: Update 4

Finally completed the building section of this cottage revamp. The roof has been putting me off getting it done for some time. In the end it wasn't such an ordeal as I had imagined it was going to be.

The next stage is to get the thing painted and then to add the smaller bits of scatter terrain to the surrounding base. I'll be interested to see how well the stone work looks when painted, may well influence the building element of the next cottage.

Need to work on the join line on the next cottage, see if I can create a lip to cover it.


  1. Cheers Riot, a lot of undercoating and then I'll be into the painting :-)

  2. Looks great, the roof is fantastic!

    1. Cheers Skully, took a while but think it was worth it :-)

  3. Wonderful piece, I love your roof.
    A very interesting building technique.

    1. Lengthy and long winded is what I call it Wouter, but I prefer it to the card originals :-)
