Monday, 12 October 2015

KOW: Dwarf Ironclad Horde

I am on a bit of a roll at the moment, really enjoying putting together the Dwarf army for Kings of War. I intend playing with them in a weeks time, so am expecting the whole army to be finished by then.

Here are the Ironclads in all their glory.

They are a mixture of models from the battle for the Skull Pass boxed set and a load of really old dwarf models from the 90's that I picked up on Ebay for next to nothing.

After painting, I jumbled them all up as I was putting them together on the nice new movement trays I made for them. I also had a bit of an experiment with simple block printing as you can see here. No one will see it but I had fun doing it and will use it on all the Dwarf trays I make. Yes I know, I'm not right in the head.

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