Sunday, 23 July 2017

D&D 5e: Cleric Cards

A while back now I posting some pictures of the contents of my D&D box that I take to play when I'm roleplaying the cleric Feng Galmon. I showed some cursory pictures of the spell cards I had made by hand but not any detailed close ups. So here they are. They are essentially white card, cut to the right size, shaped and worked on with a wash, then popped into a clear Dragon Shield sleave.

Third level spells.

Second level spells.

First level spells.


Below are some of my most used spells, apart from the healing ones of course.

I haven't made all the Cleric cards, only the ones that Feng has prepared, any new ones I will add too as time goes on, although to be honest I don't think my mind could cope with any more in a game. There are some I never use and are probably great!

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