Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Cavern Game Shots

I thought that I would see out the year with some new shots of one of the last caverns that I recently made. I have dressed it up a bit with some furniture and some models.

My children came to visit over the holiday and we discussed D&D, as my son still plays quite regularly, we talked about the virtual world of D&D where the whole experience is in the players mind compared with the Board Game that Quest is.

Where D&D doesn't need the board, furniture or even actual models, he uses Dowe Egberts coffee jar lids with the character name slipped inside, I think that Quest flourishes because of the extra visuals that help bring it to life. The careful, exciting, verbal description of a setting or monster will always win over physical models for me, but I love the whole activity of problem solving and creating those models for their own sake and for play in Warhammer Quest.

So while I may go back to playing more D&D in the future, I have rolled up some characters, I have loads of inspiration and plans for what is to come for our Warhammer Quest games next year. Should be good fun.

The Shrine

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