Friday, 27 July 2018

KOW: Goblin Army Storage Box

I was in B&Q the other day getting some filler, to fix a window not modelling related unfortunately, anyway I found this container for £9 and decided to give it a go, may get others but not sure yet. 

Seemed to me that it would be useful for storage but also for carting to the WWarriors GC when I get down there.

 I can fit 2000 + pts in for Kings of War. What's in at the moment is 2000 pts and there is one tray pretty much empty.

I'm glad I've got them in this box because since painted they have been in a card tray which is very flimsy and easy prey for our cats.

I also remembered I had a strap left by the kind AO people when they installed our cooker, and thought it might work well, it did luckily.

I would need another bag for dice and books and the like but that's it.

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