Sunday, 30 September 2018

D&D 5e: DM's Station

While I was away I spent some time thinking how to re-organise my stuff to play a game of D&D. I had a look at some fantastic tables and some ingenious hand made boxes to house all the paraphernalia that a DM and players might need.

I don't have the room for a bespoke table nor for anything that can't be broken up into smaller, store-able parts, so for the present this is my solution.

I thought some boxes from Ikea may be useful and since I had 2 I had bought, and not used, I got one down from the loft and filled it with dice, pencils and tokens, miniatures and stat cards for monsters, very tidy.

The legs for the board are made from heavy card tubing, with non-slip rubber matting hot glue gunned to the bottom and top. Will be painting them also.

Will discuss this terrain another post when completed, took me about an hour to make and paint the lot, very quick.

I also, he said cringing a little, decided to cut my DM screen in half to better use the space.

I have remade my playing are for miniatures and terrain, originally I had two 24" by 12" boards but yesterday I set about making a 24"by 24" board, as its far more stable. Needs to be painted and ready to go for Tuesday as I have a game I'm DM ing, then again for the weekend for a mammoth session for my sons birthday(30) eek!

THe MDF board cut and the card tubing ready to be marked out as legs.

Still need cleaning up the grooves take a long time to make as they are cut by hand by me with a Stanley Knife, each one marked very carefully then cut at an angle. Once sanded and cleaned will be painted.

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