Sunday, 24 May 2015

Skaven and Ogres and Tunnels Oh My

Put together a photo shoot for all the Skaven I made last month, on the Tunnels I made over the past few months. I used a variety of  terrain to fill the gaps between and try to achieve a more cavern like feel: partly dried seed pods from a large supermarket and partly rock formations I made a while ago.
Looking at them my feeling is the set up needs height, either large rock formations or something I am currently working on which will give multiple layers, more later this week :-)


  1. That is just brilliant! What a cracking table! I wish I had just a smidgeon of your talent for making stuff!

    1. Thanks Gordon, a lot of the stuff there was bought, I wait till a supermarket decides to sell off their Pot Pouri and then I pounce :-)
      I think your tables look smashing, have loved all the oriental pieces you have for IHMN and infact the oriental trees have inspired me to have a go at making some of my own :-)

  2. What an amazing terrain, stunning pictures!
