Monday, 27 April 2015

Censor Bearers and Rat Ogres: so far

Yesterday I just about finished the Censor Bearers and did some bits on 2 of the 3 Rat Ogres, so I thought I would share. One thing that has come from making these later Skaven models is that I have a better understanding of how to construct hands, all be it, Skaven hands. I'm not using as much green stuff, and using the modelling tool more carefully instead of rushing. Not gonna win any awards but they are better.


  1. Can already tell those censer bearers will look the business.
    Unfortunately I think the jury remains out on the rat ogres until they are painted, but definitely impressed with the GS heads!

    1. I'm with you on that one Tristan, not even sure the heads are doing it for me, but apart from some time not much money spent, so could get 3 off Ebay. One thing the Ogres do for me, each time I look at them, is laugh :-)

    2. I assume you are planning some more fur over the shoulders and such?

      Any plans to "rat"-ize the feet? Thanks to the silly boots they are small enough it looks like you could build on them...

      Do you know the "comb" trick for GS tails?

    3. Have had a go at one foot today and added some fur, the "comb" trick sounds interesting, tell me more...

  2. basically you roll out a line of GS, then use a comb lengthwise to create the "segments" by gently pushing it into the GS and just roll the GS using it.
    seen it around but my google fu is failing right now.

    1. Cheers fella that's a really useful tip, used it on the Rat Ogre tail, along with some vaseline to restrict finger prints!
