Was out for a night of fun and frolics over at the WWarriors Club and got to play against Luke and his new Undead army. We played the dominate scenario, you can just make out the green marker in the middle of the table. We had to get more solid units within 12" of the marker than our foe. Characters got half their points value.
They looked smashing all ranked up and ready to die again :-)
The centre pieces were two fantastic Terrorgheist models used as vampires on undead dragons.
Very nasty, hitting on 3+ and having 10 attacks, one had regen and the other def 6.
These would be hard to kill!
Luke's Undead Horde
Vampire on an Undead Dragon, regen
Vampire on an Undead Dragon, def 6
vampire lord on a horse
vampire lord on a horse
vampire lord on a horse
2 regiments of skeletons
2 hordes of zombies
1 regiment of ghouls
And my chubby dwarf army.
The Dwarfs
Horde of Ironwatch crossbows, brew of keen eyeness
Regiment of brock riders, blade of slashing
2 regiments of rangers
Horde of ironclad, brew of strength
1 flame belcher
2 organ guns
1 cannon
steel behemoth
stone priest with bane chant (2)
Army standard
Berserker Lord, wings of honey maze
Hand made steel behemoth and Flame belcher, last time it will be played as such.
Central to the dwarf list was a horde of ironwatch crossbows with the brew of keen eyeness,
makes them hit on a 4+ and piercing 1, piercing 2 if I can get bane chant off.
Berserker lord with wings of the honeymaze, he he.
First turn went to the dwarfs and I moved forward the rangers via vanguard and then shot at the horde of zombies.
On the right flank the berserker brock riders and the lord trogged up to get round the back.
Didn't realise I had left myself open to the Vampire astride his horse.
I was somewhat thrown by the fact that my shooting had taken out the first vampire on its dragon. Luke was not too happy either.
On the left the rangers managed to attack the zombies and did in total, 13 wounds, added to the 6 wounds from shooting making a grand total of 19. The zombies routed on 23, so what did roll, snake eyes!!!!! The zombies got to fight on and the dragon got to attack the flank of the ranger unit closer to it, they were to die horribly.
Chew chew chew.
Two vampires charged the behemoth, oh dear, 16 attacks hitting on 3+.
But the moth survived!
Albeit wavered.
On the right the vampire failed to rout the brocks.
While in the centre the rangers left over did another 6 wounds to the zombies, now the total was 25, so what did I roll for nerve...... snake eyes!!!!
Yes snake eyes again!
My centre gets the other horde of zombies in its sites, although it will be minus the 2 organ guns, the vampires were chewing on them.
In the last combat the brocks did 6 wounds to the vampire, so he avoided them again and attacked the berserker lord
The moth ploughs into the regiment of skeletons, and only managed 4 wounds.
The ghouls advanced on the brocks. You will notice the Zombie horde is gone, shot to ribbons.
The vampire dragon quickly hid behind the forest, fearing for its life.
While the rangers finally did another 5 wounds taking the total to 30 wounds, this time they routed.
However in their weakened state the rangers were easy meat for the skeletons.
In the middle the ironclad routed one vampire while the cannon and the ironwatch crossbows turned turned to face the menace of the dragon.
However the ironclad were not able to get out of his way and were charged in the side, 20 attacks on 3+, but they managed to survive, just.
The brocks routed the ghouls and claimed the centre of the table.
The dwarfs turned to face the vampire astride his dragon.
The final shot, the ironclad counter charged the dragon wounding it and stopping it from contesting the central objective, and at that point, end of turn 5 Luke conceded the game as he had no units close to the 12" central objective.
The Dwarfs had won!